Minutes of Regular Board Meeting

September 19th, 2006 7:00 PM



Location:          Regional  Office, Grand Falls/Windsor




Mr. Thomas Kendell (Chair)                             Ms. Cynthia Fleet, Director

Mr. Clar Brown                                                Dr. Barbara Palmer

Mr. John George                                              Ms. Marina Hewlett (Recorder)

Mr. Robert Hannaford                                      Mr. Shawn Brace

Mr. Hubert Langdon                                         Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. Scott Pritchett                                            Ms. Bonnie Lane McCarthy

Dr. Greg Woolfrey

Ms. Kim Cheeks

Mr. Kerry Noble

Mr. Peter Budgell

Mr. Bill Sceviour

Ms. Audrey Whiteway

Mr. Newman Harris




Ms. Ann Sparkes

Mr. Peter Gibbons


1.         Welcome and Introductions


            Introductions and welcome were extended to:


            Glenn Harnum, Principal, Exploits Valley Intermediate

            Ford Butler, Vice Principal, Exploits Valley Intermediate

            Cindy Fleet, new Director of Education

            Marina Hewlett, new Assistant Director of Education, Human Resources

            Barbara Palmer, new Senior Education Office, Student Support Services


2.         Approval of Agenda


Motion:           to approve the agenda as circulated with the following additions:

4.5                   Restructuring

4.6                   Budgets

6.6                   Board Committees

6.7                   Annual General Meeting

6.8                   Scheduling & CDLI

(Brown/Sceviour).  Carried.


3.         Minutes of Meetings


            3.1       Regular Meeting June 29th, 2006


Motion:           to accept the Minutes of the June 29th, 2006 Meeting with the following corrections:  Peter Budgell’s name was omitted, change 4.4 Programs Committee - motion mover to George/Brown.   (Harris/Hannaford). Carried.


4.         Business Arising:


            4.1       Update –Maintenance Projects


The Director gave an update on the physical education room for St. Stephen’s, Rencontre East.  She sought clarification as to what was wanted by the school community – fitness room and gym.  The Principal confirmed the fitness room as was previously approved by the Board.  The project will proceed in as expeditious a manner as possible.


The Assistant Director of Education (Finance & Administration) reported that 95% of summer work is completed.  He added it was a really busy summer because of the high number of approvals.  The district had difficulty recruiting skilled trades persons which slowed down the maintenance process.


Delays were noted at Indian River Academy, Gander Collegiate and Gander Academy.


Dr. Woolfrey asked for an update on Exploits Valley Intermediate.  The Director indicated she is expecting a call from the Deputy Minister of Education.  The project has been on the Minister’s desk.  There were questions around funds being invested in both Exploits Valley High and Exploits Valley Intermediate given that Bishop’s Falls students are no longer a part of the formula.


The Director commented that it is necessary for the tender to be placed immediately if this project is going to move forward before the winter season.


Things are progressing at Botwood Collegiate.  There has been an issue of fumes on a number of occasions.


All work is completed at Indian River Academy.  The Leading Tickles project is on schedule and students are expected to move in within the next three weeks.


            4.2       Update – Additional District Office Support


Monies were announced in the March budget; however, to date funding has not been allocated.  The report pertaining to this issue is at Treasury Board; it is not at the Department of Education level.


Additional funding was given to districts last year to hire extra staff.  There is a possibility that some of the $1.5 million may already be used to cover that cost and new monies will not be in addition to that already given.


            4.3       Update – New Appointments:  District Office Staff


Charlie gave an update on the new positions in the Programs Division.


Marina gave an update on the new positions in the Student Support Services Division.


The Director noted the title of the Assistant Director, Personnel is changed to Assistant Director (Human Resources) and that the title of the Assistant Director, Finance is now Assistant Director (Finance and Administration).


4.4       Update – Implementation of No Smoking Policy


The Director gave an update on the implementation of the No Smoking Policy.  It was noted that students have moved to other locations off school property.  The next step is to find a solution to the smoking issue.  We have moved students from the property but we have not stopped the smoking.  Kevin Cody, Central Tobacco Awareness Coalition is available to discuss smoking cessation programming with schools.


Ms. Cheeks gave an update on initiatives available through the Central Health Care Board.  She noted that time is an issue in terms of offering cessation programs.  It is difficult for consultants to get into the classrooms without interfering with curriculum delivery.  More success is seen when students are exposed to prevention programs at an early age.


Central Tobacco Awareness Coalition does not presently have a member from the school district.



            4.5       Restructuring


Mr. Hannaford requested that the Board examine the concept of going to communities for feedback from the community.


The Director advised that three conditions be considered:

(i)         if presentations are given that it is in an organized fashion as per guidelines.

(ii)        that restructuring meetings can be lengthy

(iii)       that many issues can be addressed following the strategic planning process;


Mr. Hannaford noted that he was referencing committee meetings as a method of educating board members about how people in the regions are thinking.


Mr. Langdon cautioned regarding the driving distance and the time frames for those who are working at day occupations.


4.6       Board Budget


Motion:           that part of the budget motion be rescinded to exclude the replacing of school desks from the schools’ budget and restore the responsibility back to the district office.  (Hannaford/Budgell).  Motion defeated.


The Assistant Director (Finance and Administration) explained the site- based management process.  A committee of five principals was formed after amalgamation and it recommended that site-based management be the process of financial management by the Nova Central School District.


Mr. Noble reiterated that the extra $70 sent to schools should be used to purchase instructional materials and other student-related equipment.


Motion:           that changes to the approved budget for 2006-2007 by an amount in excess of 10% accumulated amount for the fiscal year receive the prior approval of the Board of Trustees.  (Hannaford/Woolfrey).  Carried.


Mr. Langdon commented on communication issues pertaining to the physical education room at Rencontre.  Mr. George also commented on the timeframes regarding the construction at Rencontre East.





5.         Correspondence


1.         Letter from the Minister approving the appointment of Cindy Fleet – Director and Marina Hewlett as Assistant Director (Human Resources).


2.         Letter from the Minister re: Name of School District.


Motion:           to approve the motion as stated in the August 27, 2004 School Board Meeting Minutes “to approve Nova Central School District as the official name of the new Central School District”.  (Pritchett/Sceviour)  Carried.


6.         New Business


            6.1       Five-year Infrastructure Plan


Infrastructure – the Board needs to identify what needs to occur for September 2007.  The Board needs to think about schools that have been slated for change that are in the same position as last year.  The teacher allocation formula review will not be released until probably March 31, 2007.


Director noted that the plan needs to be reviewed in light of the above information.


Mr. Brown recommends that the plan move forward as planned.


The staff has been asked to highlight the schools which will be affected by the staffing allocation and bring back a priority list.


Strategic Plan – the Director distributed sessions where the community will sit with trustees to hear their issues.


The Director distributed a list of meeting dates to trustees and explained the internal and external scan required as a part of the strategic planning.  The internal scan will allow all staff employees to identify issues which need to be addressed by the board.


The external scan will consist of 5 sessions.  The chairs of school councils will be invited to join the trustees.  Issues will surface through this process that are district wide issues.  The goals arising from the issues must be 5 years in duration, thus strategic.  The goals and action plans must be realistic and affordable.


Guidelines will be distributed in the communication which notifies school councils chairs of these meetings.


Senior management and board of trustees will bring forward with a facilitator the issues raised in the internal and external scans.


It will also be necessary to look at the strategic plan of Government as outlined in Minister Burke’s letter and ensure that those areas have been considered.


Goals, objectives, measures and indicators will be identified.  The trustees will prioritize the strategic issues of the board.  The full management plan will include:


1.         the action plan for the Strategic Plan and

2.         the action plan for the Operational Plan


In October 2007 a report on the Strategic Plan will be submitted to the Minister of Education.  It will become public when presented to the House of Assembly.


6.2       Report NLSBA Meeting


·        There was a NLSBA meeting on August 29, 2006.  The Chair and the former Director attended.  Mr. Brian Shortall is on leave to Chair the Teacher Allocation Committee. 

·        Mr. Robert Parsons gave a presentation on major changes to Teacher Certification.  A draft copy is in place.

·        The Atlantic Conference is in Charlottetown on January 25 – 27, 2007.

·        The National Conference is in Calgary in July 2007.

·        The Provincial Conference is scheduled for Corner Brook in May 2007.

·        New food guidelines for administrators and caterers were presented.

·        Minister Burke joined the meeting and spoke on a number of issues.  A new school council liaison person is hired, Carolann Pollett.

·        Two committees are in place:  The Teacher Allocation Formula – Chair – Mr. Brian Shortall.  Pathways/ISSP Process – Chair – Bernice Langdon.


            6.3       Update – Student Assistant Allocation Proposal for Funding


The proposal was not approved because of implications for the provincial budget.




6.4       Mr. Mercer’s Retirement


Mr. Mercer has requested that this dinner be postponed due to illness.


6.6       Board Committees


Motion:           the issue of board committees be deferred to the October meeting.  (George/Pritchett).  Carried.


6.7       Annual General Meeting


The Annual General Meeting be held on November 21, 2006 in Grand Falls-Windsor.


7.         Date of Next Meeting


The next regular board meeting is October 24, 2006 in Gander.


Item 6.8 – withdrawn


6.5       In-Camera Session


Motion:           to move into a closed session (Budgell/George).  Carried.


Motion:           to come out of closed session (Budgell/Sceviour).  Carried.


8.         Adjournment


Motion:           to adjourn the meeting (Woolfrey/George).  Carried




_____________________________                          ____________________________

Thomas Kendell                                                           Marina Hewlett

Chair                                                                            Recorder

